Sunday 24 August 2008

Cakes, Torts and Pond Hopping.......................

I haven't had chance to blog for a bit, but I'm dying to write about all of the crazy stuff that's going on at the mo!
Firstly (and I think most importantly), I have decided to make a massive change in my life. I feel like I have been stuck for ages, wading upstream and doing things that really don't inspire me. Well no more!! I, dear reader, am about to embark on a brand new, exciting phase. I am going back to university to retrain as a barrister!!!!!

It is something I have been thinking about for ages, ever since I decided to end my first degree early. I really wasn't enjoying it and it was turning me into a person I didn't want to be. I finally feel like my life is back under my control and I'm absolutely elated that I got into my first choice uni! I start in October and I am 100% ready to go!

The only downside is I will have to give up my day job, which means parting ways with the L.W.P. No more will they get to sample the freshly baked delights that pour out of the Sugar rush kitchen on a regular basis (not strictly true, as Mr Sugar works for the same company and will undoubtedly furnish them with regular boxes of goodies!). I feel bad about it as this was not something I thought I would be doing this year. I had no idea I would get in, let alone into my first choice. It is an opportunity I could not pass on and I just hope they understand.

Second majorly exciting thing; myself and Mr Sugar are heading out for a little holiday.....................TO LAS VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never pond hopped before (Mr Sugar is a frequent traveller to the US) so I am really looking forward to experiencing everything LV has to offer. I must admit, when we were planning the trip, a little voice in my head said "Yay! the US is the home of the cupcake!!! We are bound to find some cool baking stuff there!". I quickly silenced the voice for fear Mr S would think I was sad but even he got a bit excited about the cupcakey possibilities we would discover there! All of my favorite cupcake blogs are by talented american cupcakers so I can't wait to have access to the same amazing ingredients as they do!

I am taking my beautiful Holga camera (a birthday gift from my Dad and possibly my favorite posession) and I can't wait to see LV throught the blurry eye of a Holga! (If you want to see some Holga shots, check out these amazing ones by one of the L.W.P Emma. She is a true Holga talent!). I am going to document my quest for the best LV cupcake and post it up here for everyone to share.

In other cupcakey news, I have joined the Iron Baker Challenge Earth (you can see my Iron Baker badge proudly displayed at the top of this blog). I have missed the deadline for this month's challenge but I can't wait for next month's.

Finally (as I am getting tired and I really fancy a bath!), I was chucking some ideas about with Mr S about new cupcake recipes when he stumbled upon a brilliant idea. Those who know me, know I am a bit obsessed with all things nautical. I am often dressed as some kind of weird halfway point between a sailor and a dolly (I think it's cool!). As we we're chatting, Mr S suggested I come up with a nautical themed cupcake. Why have I never thought of this before??
My cupcake synapse (the cakiest part of the brain. FACT) began firing instantly. I had to come up with something that tastes amazing (as I try to ensure all Sugar Rush treats do) but looks like something a scurvy seadog would be happy to cram in his rum-stained face.

After much deliberation, I decided on a vanilla sponge laced with dark rum and topped with a cloud of coconut frosting. As far as decoration goes, I was thinking of making some gold coloured "rope" using some fondant icing, rolled into thin pieces and painted with some gold lustre. I am then going to make some anchors and other assorted nautical ephemera to dot around liberally. Another idea was to use food colouring pens to "tattoo" pieces of fondant with some sailor tattoos. What do you think? Ideas are always welcome.

I'm gonna bake some of these, plus some other cakes for the L.W.P before I go away (2 weeks!). I will post the pics along with the recipe in my next post.

I haven't forgotten about the pics of Mini Sugar's birthday cake and I will post them up as soon as I get copies from the photographer!

Phew, that was a long post! Thanks for sticking with it and I will write again soon, promise!!

Lots of Love,

x x x x


Emma said...

thankyou for the link.

i just realised, you're going to be in LV for the party i was going to get you to bake for. But i think m&m world is a reasonable excuse.......

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