Wednesday 1 October 2008



I know it has been a million years since I last posted. I do intend to post some stuff really soon! I've been saving up all the cakey goodness I have to share with the faithful few who kindly spare the time to read my ramblings!

Since coming back from my amazing holiday, life has been mental. Mr Sugar unfortunately lost his job, I quit mine and started studying at uni full time! everything has kinda come to a head recently and I am feeling a little wibbly (I think this exactly describes the way i feel!). I fully intended to do the Iron Baker Basil challenge and I even mucked about with a few recipes but time flew by and before I knew it, the deadline was up! I am having a MAMMOTH baking session tomorrow night, so I am deffo gonna throw in a few recipes with this month's ingredient (cheese). My last day with the LWP is this friday so I'm saying farewell in style with some cupcakes so tasty that I may have to open a support hotline when they realise they won't be getting them anymore!!! I'm thinking simple. I'm thinking piled obscenely high with as many different confections as I can find!!!! The only course of action: a devil's food cake base. Fresh whipped cream. oozing caramel centre. tons of chocolate on top. Job done. I'm trying to come up with a name as I type. Death By Chocolate isn't quite right as these will be SO much better than that! Answers on a postcard please.

Another thing that you may have noticed is the distinct lack of good photos in this blog. I am absolutely pants at photography unfortunately. But I know that my ramblings would be much easier to understand if they were accompanied by some pics. So, faithful reader, I promise that I will photograph my next efforts, even if the photos look like they were taken by a ham fisted drunk with a serious miopia!! it's the thought that counts, no?

well thats it for me. Got to hit the text books to prep for Tort Law tomorrow (yay!)


x x x x

P.S the sailor buns I mentioned in my last post turned out AWESOME!!! I made little tattoo's out of icing and everything! you should see! (and I did take pics so you will see next time! even better!)


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